Monday, January 28, 2008

Hah YER doin'!?

"Late at night, I toss and I turn, and I dream of what I need...!"

Yeah. I wasn't dreaming of what I needed, but more like having nightmares. Ugh. I woke up every hour or so. It was hooooooorrid. Aieee.
I was having this nightmare about today's English quiz on Early Romanticism! Sigh, how romaaaantic. No. Not. It is indeed something to fear. I kept mixing the quizzes up with History class. We took the quiz but in the way we do in History which is fill in the blank and what not (they're really really hard too). My teacher looked through them (some white chick I had never seen in my life) and right before she got to mine, I woke up. But BEFORE that, I had some weird creepy dream about periods and I ripped someone's pad out and took it or use it as my own. Now wait a second. Do not freak out. I would never ever imagine doing that...I only...have nightmares about it...? Anyways. It made sense at the time in the nightmare. I don't know.
Scarlet was in this and I saw her quiz was like a 38 or something. No, she did not get a 38 on a quiz in RL, she just HAPPENED to be in my nightmare. DANGIT CHILL OUT! I'M NOT FREAKIN OUT, YOU'RE FREAKIN' OUT! STOP YELLING!



But yeah. That's a horrible night of Hamham for yous guys. I have no idea what caused these nightmares except for the quiz today. *Shudders*

How YOU doin'!? more Norbit for me.


HOW YOU DOIN'!? lol. sorry


Emily Todd said...

Yah, so I made your appointment with the shrink for next monday at five o' clock. I'll be driving you there, so don't worry (I've got the padded car seats). :)

Wingedhamham said...

Oh crap I forgot my jacket at your house. I have another one here at home but it's the one with lots of drool stains. Besides, the one at your house has a Hamtaro on it.


Cya Monday!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Check Jeremy out at He's really thoughtful...if that's even the right word for it.

I am Hamham.

I am Hamham.
Winged, Hamham.