Monday, October 22, 2007


Who the heck voted veggie burger?


Right, so Brewfest is finally over and the HALLOWEEN EVENT HAS STARTED! I'M SO UBERS EXCITED! This is my second WoW halloween and they've added quite a bit. Aside from the applebobbing, trick-or-treating, and candy questing for orphans, there is the whole idea of the HEADLESS HORSEMAN! Heck yes, you read that right. Read it again if you want! He's this dead paladin dude with a hollow plate helm with wicked green glowy stuff steaming out. He has a million dollar laugh. He drops a sweet pumpkin vanity pet (and if you know me, you know I have 20+ vanity pets that I collect), Hallowed Helm (which is a pumpkin hat bwuahahahaha), his actual Horseman helm which has like a negative drop rate, and much more! I got his signet ring with SWEET stats and it's epic! WOO! 3 EPICS FOR THE HAMHAM! I've also socketed my shoulders ^_^. 5 more greens to dispose of!
I've also been playing a few battlegrounds. I stink.
Blizzard has also decided this year that I would be their joke of the Halloween event. I mean seriously, I bet they're watching me play and laughing at me...I've been trick-or-treating over and over and all I ever get is a freaky random wand and CANDY CORN! WTH BLIZZARD GIMME A BREAK!


In other news, the Headless Horseman has attracted quite a bit of people at the Scarlet Monastery, an instance crowded by levels 30-40's. It's been pvp H-E-double hockey stick. To kill the HH you need a group, usually a tank (one to hold aggro aka keep HH from attacking anyone else but tank), a healer, and two DPS (Damage per second aka hit the HH with all you got). As you can see, it takes a team effort. Being a warlock, I fall under DPS. The "suggested" amount of players Blizzard "suggests" is 5. I've 4-man-ed it maaaany times. However, SOME people, I won't say who *cough* Omegan *cough* will not run SM unless there is a full group of 5. ARGH! Ah, well.

I still have not seen the pet or helm drop...yet. I SHALL KEEP RUNNING SM UNTIL IT DOES! DIE HH DIE!


Myles Chandler said...

He is headless, he has no helm

Emily Todd said...

Yay, hamms, u uploaded ur images of u! JK! I totally think I have the same bedsheets as you.....awkward. Lol! the ur face one cracks me up!

Wingedhamham said...

i had this constipated look...

i didn't post it.


curbxstomp said...

Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?
If not...
Your beautiful.


Wingedhamham said...

Curb...I've been meaning to tell you...Well, I'm a little embarassed but, I have to. You see I've known you for quite a while now and...well, to be honest...I...I...I love you.

*pokes Curbxstomp's heart*

I have touched your heart as you have mine.


Teehee. Yeah I love you in a friendly way lol in case you get the wrong interpretation.
"You have beautiful eyes" ~Sid the Sloth


Myles Chandler said...

Hamz, you need to add make your blog clickable through your profile. I cant be on blogger when i am at school but i found a way to do it if you make your blog show up in your profile

Emily Todd said...

Yes, curb and hamms r beauties and fluffy can be the beast! JK LOL ROFLMAO! *did I do that right?* Ne who, I loves u guys! *chokes on mucus pouring into throat* lol!

I am Hamham.

I am Hamham.
Winged, Hamham.