Me and my guild leader were bored and chitchatting yesterday. As you all know, I'm quite random (hah). So, being the inquisitive and curious hamster that I am, I had to bring up that question everyone dreads answering for it leads into the longest debate ever. So as you guessed, we had one. More of a session. Here's the partially cut part of it because we got into religion and I don't want to stress about that.
Wingedhamham: I know this is a litttttle random
Wingedhamham: but
Wingedhamham: I seriously don't get the point of: "If a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, did it fall?"
Lord Omegan: your coo coo for coco puffs?
Wingedhamham: ugh those are nasty
Lord Omegan: the question is: If a tree fall and no one hears it does it make a sound?
Lord Omegan: which is the question of realilty and does existence exist only because i think it does
Wingedhamham: oh right right
Wingedhamham: ok well
Lord Omegan: 1 sec while you think about that
Wingedhamham: ?
Wingedhamham: OBVIOUSLY you just stated the tree fell....and OBVIOUSLY it has been stated that everything makes a noise when it comes in contact with something
Wingedhamham: WELL, in that case, the tree DID make a noise!
Wingedhamham: I mean, if I threw a rock into the woods, then covered my ears...did it make a noise? YES it made one, I just didn't hear it.
Wingedhamham: But, how did you know the tree fell at all if no one could hear it? UNLESS, a blind man was there for some reason and watched it fall.
Wingedhamham: But if you couldn't hear it, and you weren't blind, then you didn't witness the fall
Wingedhamham: THUS! The question cannot support itself and is of no sense at all!
Lord Omegan: ok enteresting -
Wingedhamham: :P
Lord Omegan: you missed the entire point of the question
Wingedhamham: did i take it too literally?
Lord Omegan: if a tree falls and noone heard it - how do you know it makes a sound?
Lord Omegan: no one hears it - so can't validate that it makes a noise
Wingedhamham: yes u can
Wingedhamham: it fell
Lord Omegan: seeeeeee?
Lord Omegan: but does just falling make noise or does the noise only exist because we heard it?
Wingedhamham: i guess it's like colours
Wingedhamham: it's only blue cuz we say it is
Lord Omegan: or does your blue match mine?
Wingedhamham: it's an opinion?
Lord Omegan: its a matter of poerson - see there is no real way to validate information we can't confirm
Lord Omegan: so these things because a matter of person
Lord Omegan: we cant confirm colors, taste smell or sound - each person may expereince something totally unique to them
Lord Omegan: get it?
Wingedhamham: yeah
Wingedhamham: buuut
Wingedhamham: if you already said that no one heard it, what is there to compare?
Wingedhamham: Something that doesn't exist, doesn't exist
Wingedhamham: which is the sound
Wingedhamham: wait
Wingedhamham: you can't compare the fact with the opinion
Wingedhamham: because you already said it fell
Wingedhamham: omg
Lord Omegan: but you cant call personal expereince of sense a fact
Wingedhamham: so now you're questioning the sense of hearing itself
Wingedhamham: do we really hear things?
Wingedhamham: or do we think we're hearing it?
Lord Omegan: does sound exist only when you hear it?
Wingedhamham: no it always exists
Wingedhamham: because u said it did
Lord Omegan: can you prove that?
Wingedhamham: what's there to prove?
Lord Omegan: in my world i call yout yellow blue - its what i consider to be the tone of that color
Wingedhamham: you just said it
Lord Omegan: can you prove it?
Wingedhamham: you said it as a fact
Wingedhamham: you asked your question
Wingedhamham: based on that statement
Lord Omegan: no i'm asking to validate things we think are true
Lord Omegan: this is all Psyc 101
Wingedhamham: we "think" are true?
Wingedhamham: as in
Wingedhamham: an excuse for something?
Lord Omegan: no "we think" as in there is no real way to validate these answers
Wingedhamham: well
Wingedhamham: when people ask for an explanation
Wingedhamham: and we can't explain it
Wingedhamham: cuz we only "think"
Wingedhamham: then that's an excuse
Wingedhamham: right?
Wingedhamham: or is it a lie?
Wingedhamham: then does that mean we live a lie?
Lord Omegan: what?
Lord Omegan: ok stay focus girl
Lord Omegan: in a left field conversation only you can go father to the left
Wingedhamham: ?
Lord Omegan: *farther
Lord Omegan: and we can't explain it cuz we only "think" then that's an excuse
Wingedhamham: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
Lord Omegan: what existed 1st existance or the dream?
Wingedhamham: isn't that what I've been saying
Wingedhamham: ?
Wingedhamham: What do you mean dream?
Lord Omegan: the dream of existance
Wingedhamham: what dream?
Lord Omegan: do we exist?
Lord Omegan: or are we in a dream?
Wingedhamham: only because...we say we do?
Lord Omegan: Who is thr dreamer?
Wingedhamham: notice how almost everything we're saying ends in a question mark?
Wingedhamham: So we're questioning reality...
Lord Omegan: always
Lord Omegan: is reality real or a fiction of my imagination?
Wingedhamham: So...
Wingedhamham: just because we can feel, hear, doesn't mean it's really there
Lord Omegan: lol of course not
Lord Omegan: you only thinks it there because you beileve its there.
Lord Omegan: remove the belief and what do you have?
Wingedhamham: ...
Lord Omegan: You also believe that you computer is real right?
Wingedhamham: ...
Wingedhamham: yeeeesss....
Wingedhamham: Oooooh!
Wingedhamham: Wait!
Wingedhamham: So if you asked why I believed it was true, I would say, "Because I can touch it."
Wingedhamham: BUT!
Wingedhamham: What is touch but a...
Wingedhamham: a um...
Lord Omegan: come one :D
Wingedhamham: a something
Wingedhamham: that
Wingedhamham: aaaaaaaaaah
Lord Omegan: I think you are almost most there
Wingedhamham: I can taste it...
Wingedhamham: wait
Wingedhamham: Nvm
Wingedhamham: If I can taste it that proves nothing
Wingedhamham: Because
Wingedhamham: the senses are what make us think it's reality
Wingedhamham: but what is reality without depending on the senses
Wingedhamham: to prove it!
Wingedhamham: that close?
Lord Omegan: kinda -
Wingedhamham: crap
Wingedhamham: that's a no
Lord Omegan: see you have to look at it like this -
Lord Omegan: Maybe its not real
Lord Omegan: maybe it doesn't exist
Lord Omegan: you're relying on your sense to confirm the reality
Lord Omegan: but what if the realilty wasn't real?
Lord Omegan: then what would you have?
Wingedhamham: your senses
Wingedhamham: which
Wingedhamham: are then useless?
Wingedhamham: it just leads you to a belief?
Lord Omegan: riiiiiiiight
Wingedhamham: wait, as in
Wingedhamham: that's right right?
Lord Omegan: lol
Wingedhamham: as in
Wingedhamham: you're not being sarcastic?
Wingedhamham: and i got it...right?
Wingedhamham: is it even RIGHT!?
Wingedhamham: How do we know that it IS right?
Wingedhamham: I guess the "right" answer can't be proven
Lord Omegan: BINGO!
Lord Omegan: Thats the question
Wingedhamham: o.o
Lord Omegan: and the answer is we don't
Wingedhamham: so the right answer is a question?
Lord Omegan: there is no right answer
Lord Omegan: thats the whole point
Wingedhamham: oooh
Lord Omegan: if a tree fall and no one here's it does it make a sound? the only answer is " I dont know, does it?"
Wingedhamham: seee!
Wingedhamham: so the answer IS a question
Lord Omegan: right
Wingedhamham: it just isn't right
Wingedhamham: i guess it all makes sense now
Wingedhamham: wait
Wingedhamham: it...DOESN'T make sense
Wingedhamham: because what is sense!?
Wingedhamham: @.O
Lord Omegan: ok that was whack!
Lord Omegan: lol
Wingedhamham: eep >_<
Lord Omegan: lol
Wingedhamham: that's crazy
Wingedhamham: years of therapy trying to understand that
Lord Omegan: lol you have a heads up for your next creative writing class
Wingedhamham: pff
Wingedhamham: kinda like a giant candy cane that stole a christmas list of a child, turned it into an origami eye remover and ripped the eyes out of the sockets of your friend
Lord Omegan: uh - yea what she said
Wingedhamham: ?
Wingedhamham: she being me right?
Wingedhamham: unless
Wingedhamham: you're talking about a nonexistent female
Lord Omegan: you are a she
Wingedhamham: that only exists
Lord Omegan: i think
Wingedhamham: cuz u said so
Wingedhamham: THINK SO!?
Wingedhamham: *pimp slaps Omegan*
Wingedhamham: oh waaait
Wingedhamham: you can't say I am because I'm only female because we say we're female
Wingedhamham: but really
Wingedhamham: is there such thing as a female?
Lord Omegan: damn I'm good
Lord Omegan: :-D
Wingedhamham: o_O?
Lord Omegan: you finally got it -
Wingedhamham: got "it?"
Lord Omegan: the concept is to "question" everything - thats the only way we grow
Wingedhamham: is it questioning
Wingedhamham: or is it doubting...
Lord Omegan: its questioning to find the answer
Lord Omegan: doubting is just to deny
Wingedhamham: doubting isn't denying
Wingedhamham: It's biased questioning
There's a bit of the wise Omegan for you. He really needs to be a teacher. I mean...seriously. Lol. If you got bored and didn't finish reading it and just commented after scrolling to the bottom...then poo on you. That has some deep stuff. Oh, and pardon the spelling errours. Hehehe.
Oh, and Myles, you should recognize that this is in fact Omegan, because no one can complicate anything like he can. Makes the brain hurt.