WELL HAH! Guess what I just bought that you will so totally be jealous about!?
We went to Animal World or whatever it's called and no, I did not buy a hamster. Anyways, we (me and my coolest bestest foreverest cousin) went inside and bought some Nintendo gear! WOO! I bought this sweeeet keychain of Yoshi on a skateboard and whenever you hit it, it lights up. I KNOW! The lights are red and blue and it swirls around the edge of the skateboard. The best part of it all is...YOU CAN GET A SEIZURE! My cousin and I were in the car and it was dark because we were on our way home after a long day at the mall. So we try out our keychains and WEE! Swirling vortex of happy colours! @.@
So yeah, she got a keychain too but hers is pretty dang beast. It's for a phone, though. Hers is a red and white mushroom that has a sweet light show when you hit it, and it comes with this...er...belt thing that could wrap around a thumb with blocks having pictures of Mario stuff... >_>
So yes. Now for some updates on my recent "likes." Well, I've really been into youtubing. My cousin showed me this awesome video called "How to be Gangster." If you have the slightest sense of humour, WATCH IT! It's by Nigahiga who recently got sponsored (yay). They also made "How to be Ninja" and "How to be Emo" and some other HILARIOUS stuff! I kiss their feet in comedy videos. Plus! They're azn! Yeeeah, and Higa is ubers buffs and cute. So yes. Gotta love your funny azns, though his accent throws you off sometimes.
ALSO! I have come to like "Ask a Ninja"!!! I know, what's up with all of the Ninja and Azn crap? But really, this guy is fuunnny! I watched the one about his movie and omg I could not stop laughing with that migraine I had from trying to follow the plot! HAHAHA! Another must-see.
In other news, it's 2008! We got back from break and that morning of our first day of school, I swear...I was about to get a hammer and destroy my alarm clock. I got up ubers early and everything so I could pack everything up and enjoy my cereal. I, too, would like to see Sweeney Todd. Looks like a beast of a movie and the world has said so. I gotta plan something for that >.>
So, let's see. This month I have auditions for so many things for my cello that it makes me want to scream, considering we have MID-TERM EXAMS! NOOOO! I forgot like everything for every class so NOW I'm PANICKING! You may not know it, but I pressed the delete button like 20x trying to type NOW. I kept typing NoW, NNOW, NOw, etc etc etc...
OH! Let's not forget. I have quit WoW! True dat. It's been getting boring, people are leaving, and it just isn't the same. So I'm back to the free MMORPG of Maplestory! It's this adorable chibi 2d game almost exactly like WoW! The only thing is it lacks races (but still has classes), and pvp. Other than that, you can quest, pq (player quest aka instances), and there's awesome events! I am currently a lvl 25 bow-woman. Yep. I got some leet gear. I'll get a pic up of my character sure nuff.
Well, that's all for now. I'd like to add before I go that I've also taken a liking to "Me, Myself, and Irene." More of that Carrey genius. <3 that guy so much. He's too cool to be human. I mean, his acting is amazing! When he's pulling himself up!?!?!? OMG!?!?!? That's like...holy mother of nature he rokks.
Friday, January 4, 2008
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.
Howdy Hamham, how's life outside of wow been treating you? I, as of a few hours ago, have re-re-re-quit wow. But this time I re-re-re-deleted Threl so I hope they won't restore him if I crawling back. I also canceled my account, rolled my face around on the keyboard in the password changing option, uninstalled the game and deleted everything wow related. SO now I too am reinstating myself into the "Real World". It's amazing I actually went outside with friends during the school holidays, also now my skin has a bit of colour in it. Although I do wish I had my hearthstone because catching the bus home isn't all that fun. I'll get around to making my blog soon, Cya - Threlrogg...But now I guess it's just Stan.
your have to keep us updated on how it goes hams. hopfully you get some *.
Woow. That's hardcore quitting right there. You...you deleted Threl Q_Q But but...that's like...deleting the icon of a great friend of mine! DX
I could never delete Hamham...I mean the work I put into that character. And who else could beat my "running-in-circles" record? Gotta keep her for that.
Well, it's good to hear from you Threl! You ought to make a blog too, that way I can see just how well you're enjoying the real life. I however cannot live without some sort of game, so I have resorted back to the Maplestory.
Keep ME posted as well as I keep you posted! I'd like to hear the life of an Aussi.
I will attempt to get on maple story.
You're kidding, right? o.O
If not, cool beans. I must warn you, not to get MapleSea, because you will be with lots and lots of Koreans O_o *eye twitches*
I can't wait to see Sweeney Todd!!!!!!! eep :)
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