Yes, I am indeed sick. Yuck. Sick and yuck share "ck."
But yeah, my parents are forcing me to take pills (Tylenol) day and night to "help me heal faster." Bah. You can't cure the cold / cough. The only thing the pills do is make you "feel" better. What you don't know doesn't hurt you, right? However, for me, pills only make me feel worse. I'd rather cough than have a horrible headache and a tummy near puking. Yeah. I swear, I can't take the pills. I get woozy and I feel like if I eat anything I'll upchuck a week's worth of meals. Yeah, I know..."ewww."
My dad and I got in this argument about the amount of pills I was supposed to take. Usually I take one, but he said, "No, you're supposed to take 2." I fear overdose with a passion, even if I took 3 pills by accident. It turned out that I was supposed to take 2 every 4 hours. Good grief! So after 12 hours, I'm made out of 6 pills. >.< Yeeeech. If you know me at all, you will know that I'd rather take pain than take any kind of drugs. And if you were there while I was on drugs, you would know that I probably am making a good choice by choosing NOT to take the drugs. If I'm weird enough now, I don't want to promote it >:P
So yeah. Mhm...
Oh, let's not forget! Our beloved AP World History teacher (in his infinite wisdom) has decided to "catch us up" by giving us a test today, quiz tomorrow, quiz the next day, and another test the day after that (along with the study guide due that day). He is evil. People say he is evil. But...deep down insides...I know there is a crying child. We need to reach inside, and comfort that crying child, and win over our teacher's heart. :)
I will write my will shortly after this is posted in case any of his students would like to murder me.
<3 Yay for world peace.
*falls off chair with bullet in head*
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.
Go, go eat his apple and die! I will shove the apple down your throat, if you keep speaking about comforting that child.
Who's apple? His, or yours...or ours? He has implanted an apple within us, so the anger has already begun to branch. The tree of anger is growing! You are watering it everyday with your hatred. World peace peace.
World Peace my #~!@%$, in his class, it's fend for yourself, survival of the fittest, and outside of his class it's world peace.
GASP!!! Sinner.... >_>
*Hugs Fluff*
You need healing, and I am here to help.
Awwww your sick awwww. So you have a cold and you dont want to take pills.
Well buck up Butter cup Lord Omegan has just the thing!
Instead of pills you should be drinking hot tea and warm water.
I like to make a lemon honey and garlic tea myself - it works for me. But if you just drink 3-6 cups a tea instead of the pills you will be healed!
Or use some netherweave heavy bandages - i hear those things cure EVERYTHING!
So says your Lord!
Hmm. I've drank almost the whole gallon of orange juice... >_>
MMMMM, Orange Juice. OJAAAY!
OJay is in jail for being a Dumb Ass. He has successfully done what no other High Profile Black man has been able to do - Win the Dumb Ass of the Year award for 2007 and 2008 - And its only the 3rd week of the year! DUMB ASS!
ok enough about that - Orange Juice is down but you need hot liquids. Maybe add a little Jack Daniels to your tea - MMMMM - Jack Daniels - MMMM -
So Says your Lord -
Edit - Orange Juice is GOOD but
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