Well, as we all know, the definition of a sleep over is like so and such as:
sleep-oh-vur; To not sleep at someone else's house.
HUZZAH! Copyright that, will you James?
Anyways, Fluff, being the weak one that she is (teehee <3), went to bed at like 2 or something...SOOOO, Misty and I kept youtubing and then we watched Me, Myself, and Irene. I love that movie because I can relate to Charlie and Hank... :) Lol jk.
Right. So let's back up. Before all of this, Me, Fluff, Misty, Mr. Stiffles, Fluff's Dad (to get us in), Lem, Garrett, and Misty's mom went to the movie theatres to watch Sweeney Todd! I swear, my eyes were watering at the end. It is sooo tragic. You don't want it to end, but it has to, and you can only say, "That was a perfect finish." Absolutely beautiful. AAAAAND Johnny Depp is beautiful as well, though you can tell he isn't really a singer, he still pulls it off! :D:D:D:D So afterwards, we were left at the house with my parents and we pretty much did whatever. We couldn't play Wii *grrr* because my parents were watching TV and what not...so yeah. Oh, and a message to Myles! You're beautiful!
Ok anyways, Misty and I stayed up waay past Fluff up to 6 am, and before then we were sharing videos. So, she showed me this video of the j-rock band SID and their song Otegami. She showed me the pogi Aki, the guitarist who looked like he er...really loved his guitar. He's gorgeous...
So um, here is a picture for Misty, of that man who licks his shoulder and likes the vibrations of his guitar. Yum. I give you...AKIIIII!!!!11one
Wow, alot of you went to Sweeney. Yeah, I froze my buttocks off at the game. For future reference, I don't like large groups. I won't go anywhere with one unless it's family and even then it bothers me.
I donnoz. I like big groups unless I'm solely there for one person in the group. If it's a group of actual friends, then I'm alllll good. However! If there's a person in the group I didn't want in it, then it's gonna ruin the whole night.
AND SHAME ON YOU, SHAME SHAME, YOU SHAME for not loving Aki's beautiful face!
:D about the Aki thing. Um, I don't have a group of friends that will get along, otherwise I'd be good. I have to explain in person, because I don't want you to think that I don't like you, because I LOVE YOU!
What about me, you, Fluff, and Charlo? That's a group...not huge, but a group that gets along o_o
Yup, I must say Aki's extremely pretty, happy I looked at him? That is what you wanted me to look at the whole time, right? Anywho, I like groups I get along with, but never more than like 7 peeps, cause then you really can't talk to everyone and that's a little awkward later. I like that group hamms. Good group, good group. Oh yeah, sleepover memory: "Who hurt you? Who hurt you?" Lol, ROFLMAO!
Who hurt what? I don't even remember that lol.
Family Guy, Lionel Richie, wow, ur memory sucks...
Don't worry when you find the rum under your bed, I don't think you'll remeber that either.... hehe... sorry.
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