Are bagels good for you? If so, I'll go on a bagel diet! I've gotten this sudden love for bagels. I come home and I eat cereal, then I toast half of a mini bagel and munch munch away! They're soo good! Bagel for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. Mmm. In fact, I'm eating a bagel atm! Heehee.
When I walk home from the bus stop, I'm always carrying my History textbook. I keep papers in there because it's like my Bible and it's always with me. You never see me without it. Anyways, I was talking to a friend when I accidentally slide the top of the book against my hands. The result? Paper cuts! My middle and third finger are cut a bit under the knuckles on that flat part. It stings. Sssssssss. Aaaaah.
Well, now onto a completely different topic! As you know, I think really deeply when I shower. 'Tis my moment of peace and serenity and my mind works tirelessly. Hehe, how ironic. Anyways, I was thinking of stuff, and I got to the subject of "mother earth." I wondered, if Mother Earth could teach us in a class, what would she lecture? Well, I knew she would teach us to be respectful to Mother Earth clean up after yourselves. So then this reminded me of my room. When I don't clean it, my mom will get so sick and tired of the mess that she'll do it for me when she vacuums or something. Unfortunately, I'm always missing something when I come back. It's like a new slate. So Mother Earth will clean up for us if we don't start cleaning up for ourselves. This reminded me of the movie "Day After Tomorrow" and how Mother Earth was finally fed up with our mess and abuse that she took it into her own hands and cleaned the board. She started over and balanced the planet. The things missing were lives. So many people died because we were ignorant and did not mind our trash and how we were harming Earth.
Yep. That's a little bit of what goes through my mind in the shower.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.
Yes! I DOOOO Loooovvvvvvvvvvveeeee Bagels! I have cinnamon mini bagels at my house and I've been eating them for breakfast everyday this week! I love bagels with butter! Yeeessss! Sry bout ur paper cuts! That isn't fun at all. Hope they heal fast. Ttyl!
Finals literally have me booked, i will write a blog on friday-thursdayish
g'day doll
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! It's my Caboose! Huzzah! Sorry bout leaving for such a long time. The laundry just kept piling up and before I knew it it had been a while since I left my room...Sorry. I'll check for your blog! ^-^
Ahhhhh! It's MYLES! We hope you're doing okay! Sorry about your finals. We will check ur blog!
WTH!? Where'd you come from Fluff!?
LOL, hamz. btw, please make it so I can get to your blog from your avatar, because you don't have the link on your profile, and it ticks me off because I have to go back to to get to it.
love you though
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