WHY AREN'T YOU COMMENTING ME!? Np, I'll just send you guys some viruses ;D.
LOl jk, I only did that twice...
Jk again. I don't even know how.
So, the weeks drag on by. Christmas is slowly approaching. We put up our tree yesterday and it looks b-e-a-utiful! We bought a new tall one that is like half a metre from our ceiling and our ceiling is taaaall. Yes, it's fake. The faker, the longer it can stay up and you can reuse it! Besides, real ones attract worms, right? This one came with multi-coloured lights and everything so it's soooo cooolioz! So pretty @.@! Twas fun decorating it. My bros and I decided to play a joke and we hung this huge decore berry thing with leaves on it (it's huge) on the outter-most, bottom-most branch so it jutted out and just...hung there. LOL. I'm laughing as I type this XD. Our parents didn't even notice until after dinner. We were hinting it so much saying, "Our tree is so beautiful and complete-looking"...and, "Just look at how unique our ornaments are..." Lol, all three of us were snickering for a while. My dad was freaking out at how imperfect it was and my mom nearly pulled the whole tree down. She was trying to hang an ornament at the top, so she tugged on the tree to lean it. She was successful. I watched as our tree leaned towards her and the ornaments too. My lil bro and I were like, "ZOMG THE TREE IS GOING TO FALL!" And my mom freaks out and lets go and the whole thing just jingles...nothing fell. But my older brother did knock off a green ornament and it shattered...right in front of my room. If I go running into my room and cut my foot...grr. My mom dropped a golden ornament and it bounced :) I remember that Mr. Bean episode in which Mr. Bean went shopping for a single ornament for the tip of his tree he drove off with (aka stole from some place) and he was comparing two ornaments, debating which to by. So he tests them by dropping both and one shatters, the other bounces back into his hand and he buys that one XD. So funny. Rowan Atkinson is cool beans. GET IT!? COOL BEANS AND HIS CHARACTER IS MR. BEAN!? I didn't mean that =.=
Peace Gnomie-G's.
P.S. I have to make another video for school. It's going to probably be an all gnome Macbeth :D Oh, and I now have 5 videos on youtube under Wingedhamham so check them out XO!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.
b-e-a-utiful, like Bruce Almighty, right?! I love that movie! I put up my tree too, and every time me German Shepherd walks past it to go outside, well, lets just say I bite my nails pleading with the lord not to let any ornaments fall. Cause we got some old nice ones, pshah... :)
Oh, and you C O U L D take off ur old polls u know....just sayn
Hey gorgeous. Sorry about not commenting you. I actually just got off grounding. Anyway, have fun with the video, and if you ever sent me a virus I would hit you with my car, bury you, and dance naked on your grave...totally kidding! I would never dance naked on a grave...lol. I would never hit you with a car and bury you either! love you!
sorry, i have been sick and not really up to do much
x-mas.. i should put up my fake tree too
if you need me to help out, i can only play as a level 1 but ify ou give me enouggh time i can get a lvl 15 anything
OMG IF YOU HELPED...OMG. THAT WOULD HELP A LOT. That was really redundant but really, I could use all the actors I can get. Lvl 1 is totally ok.
Actors, weeeeee. Such fun! LOl, I <3 comments.
he is half tai half white
Thai! My bff was Thai! We were like this *intertwines fingers*. Yeppers peppers. ...I miss her ;_;
I'll be on tomorrow starting the video, so just pst hamham and get on vent so we can film!
ok i will try but i have practice untill 6 new york time.
send me an email reminding me
Thai thai, i knew it had an h
eheheheheh. But yeah I'll try to remember to email you. Thanks bunches for helping out! You MIGHT end up being the guy in the dress because of your level and all....*snicker*
No offense. I'll try to recruit more. Maybe Phaedo can help...or Threl...or someone.
Yeh, right, who would want to help you! ? JK! (no offense myles! :) Offense to u tho, hamms! Just felt like insulting you. Not really!
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