Good Gosh this blog is not about old women. -_-" ...OR men! Sickoz.
If my blogs seem stange (stranger than usual I mean), it could be a result of my lack of sleep! This whole weekend I was working like mad, having to complete a project, study guide, and study for a test! Sounds easy, right? WRONG! Here's a little break-down for you nubsauces...
The whole last week I was getting about 5 to 6 hours of sleep on average. That may not sound like a big deal, but I usually get 8 a day. Yes, I was exhausted by Friday!
My teacher has off-the-charts expectations! She showed us amazing projects and said they were only "B's." WHAT!? THEY WERE PERFECT!!!!?!?!?!? WHY!?!!?!?
The Study Guide was for yet another History test! And well...I don't need that much of an explanation. I shall sum it up with two words: Suicidal thoughts. (I wouldn't kill myself. That'd be selfish. The hamham should be shared with the world!!!)
So yes, I'm quite tired. I'm half asleep in my first class everyday. Ehh...The good thing is, I can pack some sugar in my lunch, and I'm typing right after I eat so I'm feeling fine. My body is in total denial and one day, I'm gonna collapse sound asleep in the middle of the hallway. LOL! That'd be kinda cool...
Monday, September 24, 2007
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.
Wat's a nubsauce? And it would be cool if you collapsed in the hallway!
Lol, I love the hamham.
Just so we're all clear, the hamham is MINE. It even said it loves me! Oh yeah, serious committment.
Woo! A comment, just when I was getting lonely! Lol. Yeah, well, I'm owned by no one. The world owns me! ^.^
*Fluffyfan slaps hamham*
"You're mine mine mine!"
Okay I'm going to run away now...
Ham Ham is mine, fluffyfan15, and I will beat you with my wand! HP groupies forever!
Please don't fight for me. Fight over me. That's easier cuz I'm short :P
sorry but the ham belongs to me! Well the ham in my sandwich dose. A sandwich with bread, mayo, HAM, umm bread.... did I say bread? yes more bread and jelli beans!!! now thats a sandwich!
LOL JELLY BEANS! I like turkey better. Ham is! Actually I don't like either. So I guess they are kinda similar...
We should split the hamham up into three parts, so like ... share! How would you like that? Huh, Hamham? How would u like it?
Sorry, I be's a little insano tonight.
nope mine! ALL MINE!
Sounds like jelly beans to me...
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