Alright, reading this history textbook has got me thinking. It says that Plato believed men and women should be equal. After I read that, I took a shower, and I probably do my most critical thinking in there, nighttime being the second.
So as the water showered down upon me, I mulled through my thoughts. Equality...hmm...What is it? The only time humans have experienced equality is through math. Math is definate. Humans aren't. We have minds that have emotions and such. I mean, we can't display equality because even we aren't equal! Does that make sense? Equality is all in your head. What might be equal to one person, isn't to another, and you can't please everyone. Also, we can't have equality because it isn't fair. Some people deserve or want more attention than others. Those who work hard to be someone and make something of their life deserve more respect than someone who cuts themself everyday. If two people are let's say...playing their cellos (bear with me k?), and one of them says, "I hate this thing," wouldn't you automatically favor the other? How can you display equality when you are biased? For Gosh's sake how could you? If God wanted equality, he would have made us all clones of each other. Even then, there will be groups of clones that will probably segregate themselves from others. The only time the world will be totally equal, is when we're ruled by dirty robots who will be programmed the concept of equal. Problem is...what exactly is the concept?
...Oh no I've gone cross-eyed...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ph34r t3h l33t m1cr0vv@v3
Alright, for those who can't read the epic l33t chatness title, it translates to: Phear teh leet microwave...aka Fear The Elite Microwave. Lol, duh! Anyways, I've heard all this negative stuff about the microwave recently! I mean, this one girl (with or without permission) put rats in a microwave with their individual doses of time (she is one sick and disturbed person). The one that was in the longest's tail fell off! ZOMG!!! I also heard about this one boy who microwaved one cup of water, and didn't the other. He gave two different plants microwaved and nonmicrowaved. The one with the microwaved water died! THEY WERE AT SAME TEMPERATURE AND EVERYTHING! So now I ph34r t3h microwave because who knows!? Maybe it's killing me as we speak!? Well, I wouldn't be surprised if I've already lost a few brain cells...teehee *twitch*.
But yeah, I definately remember that one time, now that I think about microwaves. It was me and 3 other girls and a chaperone. We went to a field trip and stayed overnight at a hotel. Our lunchs had a bag of chips, sandwich, and a cookie...oh, and a drink. Let's just say we had a microwave in our room and we were a curious group. Let's also say...well...we kind of microwaved the bag of Cheetos. Seeing how the bag is made of metal (haha it was the coolest thing I've ever seen), it microwaved for 2 seconds then POOM! Huge flash, 4 screams, and a sudden pull on the door. It didn't catch on fire, but it was so pretty...the bag had shrunk and the Cheetos were trying to push out. It, hmm. Picture foil crumpled into a ball with Cheetos coming out of the sides. LOL! I will never forget that beautiful white flash we all saw XD. SO yes, our chaperone came running up saying, "You could have set the hotel on fire!"......COOOL! I mean really, how many get to microwave metal on purpose on a field trip IN a hotel with your good friends!?!?! Not many...
But yeah, I definately remember that one time, now that I think about microwaves. It was me and 3 other girls and a chaperone. We went to a field trip and stayed overnight at a hotel. Our lunchs had a bag of chips, sandwich, and a cookie...oh, and a drink. Let's just say we had a microwave in our room and we were a curious group. Let's also say...well...we kind of microwaved the bag of Cheetos. Seeing how the bag is made of metal (haha it was the coolest thing I've ever seen), it microwaved for 2 seconds then POOM! Huge flash, 4 screams, and a sudden pull on the door. It didn't catch on fire, but it was so pretty...the bag had shrunk and the Cheetos were trying to push out. It, hmm. Picture foil crumpled into a ball with Cheetos coming out of the sides. LOL! I will never forget that beautiful white flash we all saw XD. SO yes, our chaperone came running up saying, "You could have set the hotel on fire!"......COOOL! I mean really, how many get to microwave metal on purpose on a field trip IN a hotel with your good friends!?!?! Not many...
Monday, September 24, 2007
"Those" Friends!
Raise your hand if you have a friend that sways your emotions! *raises hand* You don't really have to if you're embarassed or if you're in a cubicle that limits your movements to less than a sneeze.
Well, let's just say I have this great friend. She's always so cheery and jumpy, like me, only more! Yeah...imagine that. We're this crazy dynamic duo that makes lots of noise and drops lots of weight from laughing. Whenever she's feeling down, or just not herself because of a headache or something, it's horrible. I literally share emotions with her or something. The day she got a headache I got this throbbing pain on my top-left forehead. Good gosh did it hurt. She was so gloomy and my mood just plummeted! That's when I just wanted to hug her and make her feel all better. I couldn't do anything to stop her pain and the school day just dragged onward. Even laughter made her head hurt more, so I was totally a sitting duck! Man, I wish I could seriously heal people. That'd be amazing.
Well, let's just say I have this great friend. She's always so cheery and jumpy, like me, only more! Yeah...imagine that. We're this crazy dynamic duo that makes lots of noise and drops lots of weight from laughing. Whenever she's feeling down, or just not herself because of a headache or something, it's horrible. I literally share emotions with her or something. The day she got a headache I got this throbbing pain on my top-left forehead. Good gosh did it hurt. She was so gloomy and my mood just plummeted! That's when I just wanted to hug her and make her feel all better. I couldn't do anything to stop her pain and the school day just dragged onward. Even laughter made her head hurt more, so I was totally a sitting duck! Man, I wish I could seriously heal people. That'd be amazing.
Hate Love Music
I love music, and I hate it just as much. It's such a mood controller it's crazy. You're sitting there quite neutral, when you play some happy music, and you feel like cleaning the house and just jumping! Then suddenly, something sad plays, and suddenly you're crying like there's no tomorrow...
Here is a great example:
I was in the car, feeling kind of sad already. I got over it, until the radio started playing Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars" or "If I Lay Here," I donno what the actual name is. OMG. Play something sadder will you!? Nostalgy and who knows what else started mixing together. I had tears whelling up and I couldn't control it. Maybe it's different for me because I play an instrument? I mean, when I play, there are times when you can really feel it. I can listen to a symphony all in my head. It's just amazing. I can't describe how great of a feeling it is to truly have the music pulse through you. The pieces tell stories. You have pictures flowing with notes and it's beautiful.
Music is an inspiration. It's a depressant. It's too many things. I could list billions of adjectives for it but my vocabulary range is as lengthy as a toothpick. I just can't take it when those sad songs play and you just absolutely need a hug...
It's just insane what music can do to your emotions.
Here is a great example:
I was in the car, feeling kind of sad already. I got over it, until the radio started playing Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars" or "If I Lay Here," I donno what the actual name is. OMG. Play something sadder will you!? Nostalgy and who knows what else started mixing together. I had tears whelling up and I couldn't control it. Maybe it's different for me because I play an instrument? I mean, when I play, there are times when you can really feel it. I can listen to a symphony all in my head. It's just amazing. I can't describe how great of a feeling it is to truly have the music pulse through you. The pieces tell stories. You have pictures flowing with notes and it's beautiful.
Music is an inspiration. It's a depressant. It's too many things. I could list billions of adjectives for it but my vocabulary range is as lengthy as a toothpick. I just can't take it when those sad songs play and you just absolutely need a hug...
It's just insane what music can do to your emotions.
Good Gosh this blog is not about old women. -_-" ...OR men! Sickoz.
If my blogs seem stange (stranger than usual I mean), it could be a result of my lack of sleep! This whole weekend I was working like mad, having to complete a project, study guide, and study for a test! Sounds easy, right? WRONG! Here's a little break-down for you nubsauces...
The whole last week I was getting about 5 to 6 hours of sleep on average. That may not sound like a big deal, but I usually get 8 a day. Yes, I was exhausted by Friday!
My teacher has off-the-charts expectations! She showed us amazing projects and said they were only "B's." WHAT!? THEY WERE PERFECT!!!!?!?!?!? WHY!?!!?!?
The Study Guide was for yet another History test! And well...I don't need that much of an explanation. I shall sum it up with two words: Suicidal thoughts. (I wouldn't kill myself. That'd be selfish. The hamham should be shared with the world!!!)
So yes, I'm quite tired. I'm half asleep in my first class everyday. Ehh...The good thing is, I can pack some sugar in my lunch, and I'm typing right after I eat so I'm feeling fine. My body is in total denial and one day, I'm gonna collapse sound asleep in the middle of the hallway. LOL! That'd be kinda cool...
If my blogs seem stange (stranger than usual I mean), it could be a result of my lack of sleep! This whole weekend I was working like mad, having to complete a project, study guide, and study for a test! Sounds easy, right? WRONG! Here's a little break-down for you nubsauces...
The whole last week I was getting about 5 to 6 hours of sleep on average. That may not sound like a big deal, but I usually get 8 a day. Yes, I was exhausted by Friday!
My teacher has off-the-charts expectations! She showed us amazing projects and said they were only "B's." WHAT!? THEY WERE PERFECT!!!!?!?!?!? WHY!?!!?!?
The Study Guide was for yet another History test! And well...I don't need that much of an explanation. I shall sum it up with two words: Suicidal thoughts. (I wouldn't kill myself. That'd be selfish. The hamham should be shared with the world!!!)
So yes, I'm quite tired. I'm half asleep in my first class everyday. Ehh...The good thing is, I can pack some sugar in my lunch, and I'm typing right after I eat so I'm feeling fine. My body is in total denial and one day, I'm gonna collapse sound asleep in the middle of the hallway. LOL! That'd be kinda cool...
Another scatter-brained blog:
No, my heart is not having a serious attack....speaking of hearts, I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas this weekend! OMG Jim Carrey = Skillz that killz. He is AMAZAZING! I love him...and he's Canadian. It seems all the good comedians of the world are Canadian! Better catch up AMERICANS! I laughed SOO hard. That movie is just...just...magical. <:_)
So yes, the throb throb...wait. So no, the throb throb is actually the pulsing vein in your head! Actually, more like a headache. Don't you just love it when you feel peace for a split second, coursing agony for another, then another split second you feel bliss...then THROB! ARGH! The frustration that flows through your tiny head! Lol. Yeah, I hate having headaches. It drives me more insane than I already am (I know, you didn't think there was an insanity past my level, right?). So yes, someday I will find the solution to headaches, but thus far, I just curl into a ball and hide in a dark corners...
But even corners aren't safe anymore...
No, my heart is not having a serious attack....speaking of hearts, I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas this weekend! OMG Jim Carrey = Skillz that killz. He is AMAZAZING! I love him...and he's Canadian. It seems all the good comedians of the world are Canadian! Better catch up AMERICANS! I laughed SOO hard. That movie is just...just...magical. <:_)
So yes, the throb throb...wait. So no, the throb throb is actually the pulsing vein in your head! Actually, more like a headache. Don't you just love it when you feel peace for a split second, coursing agony for another, then another split second you feel bliss...then THROB! ARGH! The frustration that flows through your tiny head! Lol. Yeah, I hate having headaches. It drives me more insane than I already am (I know, you didn't think there was an insanity past my level, right?). So yes, someday I will find the solution to headaches, but thus far, I just curl into a ball and hide in a dark corners...
But even corners aren't safe anymore...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Tikbalangs and Porn
Well, it is currently Engineering class in my monotonic day of school! Of course, me and my friends are having an odd laughing fit. Well, technically it isn't odd because I always laugh to the point where I'm making gasping sounds and laughing hysterically while I'm choking from due to lack of air!
Anyways, last night I was playing WoW and discovered a vendor named "Griftah." Haha, grift. He sells these hilariously cheesy amulets that allow you to do the possible! One of them was soap on a rope (perfect for stocks runs) and the other unmistakbly noticable Tikbalang ward amulet! That isn't the exact name, but you can guess what it's purpose is! To learn what a freaky Tikbalang is, here's a link:
Of course, he rips you off by charging 5g for it! I had half a mind to buy one, considering I'm a pinay girl and well...Tikbalangs originate from the Philippines! The subject was brought up in class today and yeah. Can't explain how much we laughed when I talked about turning my shirt inside out and watching for Tikbalangs jumping out of trees to crit me 15k with an axe-mace, steal my gear, delete my account, and have my combat log say: "Shoulda bought an amulet, Bi***. LOL, that's a quote from the Thottbot forums, which I, too, laughed at. If you want to read it for
Okay, for the curious perverted people wondering what the porn section was about, here it is!
In class a few minutes ago, me and my friends were discussing geniuses. We are all great when it comes to grades, but sooo slow on common sense. So I remembered from Armageddon the genius who was a total pessimistic idiot all in one! Bonus...or bonus card! :D Don't ask. I had chocolate and a honey bun and a croissant for lunch. WITH BLU DWINK! RIGHT! So we were saying Armageddon trying to figure out the right pronounciation when our teacher out of nowhere says, "Well it depends. One is a movie and the other is porn."
WTH!? PORN!? SO, we all spazzed out LAUGHING like crazy! Where he got porn from, I don't know, but what I do know is that it HAD to go on my next blog. Lol.
BUT, I just learned that it is from Miss it wasn't THAT random...
Anyways, last night I was playing WoW and discovered a vendor named "Griftah." Haha, grift. He sells these hilariously cheesy amulets that allow you to do the possible! One of them was soap on a rope (perfect for stocks runs) and the other unmistakbly noticable Tikbalang ward amulet! That isn't the exact name, but you can guess what it's purpose is! To learn what a freaky Tikbalang is, here's a link:
Of course, he rips you off by charging 5g for it! I had half a mind to buy one, considering I'm a pinay girl and well...Tikbalangs originate from the Philippines! The subject was brought up in class today and yeah. Can't explain how much we laughed when I talked about turning my shirt inside out and watching for Tikbalangs jumping out of trees to crit me 15k with an axe-mace, steal my gear, delete my account, and have my combat log say: "Shoulda bought an amulet, Bi***. LOL, that's a quote from the Thottbot forums, which I, too, laughed at. If you want to read it for
Okay, for the curious perverted people wondering what the porn section was about, here it is!
In class a few minutes ago, me and my friends were discussing geniuses. We are all great when it comes to grades, but sooo slow on common sense. So I remembered from Armageddon the genius who was a total pessimistic idiot all in one! Bonus...or bonus card! :D Don't ask. I had chocolate and a honey bun and a croissant for lunch. WITH BLU DWINK! RIGHT! So we were saying Armageddon trying to figure out the right pronounciation when our teacher out of nowhere says, "Well it depends. One is a movie and the other is porn."
WTH!? PORN!? SO, we all spazzed out LAUGHING like crazy! Where he got porn from, I don't know, but what I do know is that it HAD to go on my next blog. Lol.
BUT, I just learned that it is from Miss it wasn't THAT random...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Anglo-Saxon Tribes
Alright, if you ever read Warriors of Alavna, you will fall in love with it, whether you want to or not. Some say they don't like it (psh liars) and most say IT WAS AMAZAZING! Well guess what!? It IS amazazing. Basically, it's about a boy and girl who get "summoned" to the Anglo-Saxon period of Britannia baaaack in the day through a mysterious yellow veil. Kind of reminds me of the Chronicles of Narnia. It's very similar to the whole idea of the Narnia books. They end up fighting in epic battles that occured back in the day with the Brythans, except the names are all funky. Instead of Brythans they're Bromii or something. So the author gives it a little twist. The absolute thing I fell in love with was the Chieftain-thane concept. They followers are extremely loyal, and in return, the leader gifts them with riches. It reminds me an awful lot about myself! Believe it or not, I'm a loyal person. If there is something I prefer or strongly agree with, my opinion will never waver. I AM LOYAL. I have undying faith in what I truly believe in.
Speaking of never-wavering opinions, my pet pieve (sorry for spelling) about people is when they always CHANGE their opinion on EVERYTHING! For example (p2 is person two):
Me: Do you like muffins?
p2: No, not really.
Me: Oh, I love them! I don't see how you couldn't possibly love muffins!
p2: Well, I mean, I don't really hate them. They are pretty good. I like most.
...WTH? Didn't he/she just say he/she didn't like muffins? That bothers me most out of everything about anything about people. Just had to let that out...
Speaking of never-wavering opinions, my pet pieve (sorry for spelling) about people is when they always CHANGE their opinion on EVERYTHING! For example (p2 is person two):
Me: Do you like muffins?
p2: No, not really.
Me: Oh, I love them! I don't see how you couldn't possibly love muffins!
p2: Well, I mean, I don't really hate them. They are pretty good. I like most.
...WTH? Didn't he/she just say he/she didn't like muffins? That bothers me most out of everything about anything about people. Just had to let that out...
The Deserving get the Deserved!
If you read the 7th comment on The Deserving, then this is what this next post is about! If you could care less, than fine! BLAH! Let's just say that I found a way to help out Deathsanvil, the deserving birthday boy! Of course, before I made that decision, Omegan had to give me a slap talk in which he slapped me out of my emotional migraine...all metaphorically speaking. Imagine the word "the" slapping you across the face? Wouldn't make much sense, now would it. Of course, you could print it, or write it, and take that paper and slap someone but that's just taking it over-the-top.
So yes, we had fun last night and threw an odd party. (This is all in-game WoW just so you know) We got wasted WOO! and we played tonk wars. May I add that I was poowned by EVERYONE with a Tonk Controller because I stink at it like dead socks. This is the reason why I don't play Gunz, Counter Strike, or Anyways, LOTS of gnomes hung out outside of Stormwind and we dueled and laughed and played. It was a decent party for only one hour! Many were glad to see me back online...ehh. Lol. Yes, so the deserving got something that night, thankfully enough.
Oh, and I posted up a picture of Deathsanvil and I on his birthday! Woo!
...I should make an album with the millions of screenshots I have...
So yes, we had fun last night and threw an odd party. (This is all in-game WoW just so you know) We got wasted WOO! and we played tonk wars. May I add that I was poowned by EVERYONE with a Tonk Controller because I stink at it like dead socks. This is the reason why I don't play Gunz, Counter Strike, or Anyways, LOTS of gnomes hung out outside of Stormwind and we dueled and laughed and played. It was a decent party for only one hour! Many were glad to see me back online...ehh. Lol. Yes, so the deserving got something that night, thankfully enough.
Oh, and I posted up a picture of Deathsanvil and I on his birthday! Woo!
...I should make an album with the millions of screenshots I have...
Random HAHA Laughter
This one goes out to all my friends, sane or insane.
Let's say you're in class (if you aren't a student, say you're sitting in a city bus and it's nice and quiet). Everyone is focused on something, and the room is as quiet as space. You're reading through your textbook (or newspaper if you apply to the bus situation) and you come across something in the text that triggers a hilarious memory. Uncontrollably, you BURST into laughter, remember you're all alone, then blush as everyone stares at you, questioning your sanity! I personally love it when this happens to anyone because someone laughing is funny. I mean, who doesn't laugh when someone is laughing at something funny? If someone was cackling at some guy who tripped and died...I probably wouldn't be laughing...Depends who died. JUST KIDDING. But even still, this has happened to me many times (no, I haven't died tripping). Usually in the hallway, a random memory comes to my head and I laugh to myself. People walk by giving me the classic look and I remember "Oops...I'm supposed to act a little more normal in public." Lol, it's a good relief to just laugh at an old, yet never dying joke...especially when you're BOMBARDED WITH SCHOOL WORK AND SUCH!!!
Let's say you're in class (if you aren't a student, say you're sitting in a city bus and it's nice and quiet). Everyone is focused on something, and the room is as quiet as space. You're reading through your textbook (or newspaper if you apply to the bus situation) and you come across something in the text that triggers a hilarious memory. Uncontrollably, you BURST into laughter, remember you're all alone, then blush as everyone stares at you, questioning your sanity! I personally love it when this happens to anyone because someone laughing is funny. I mean, who doesn't laugh when someone is laughing at something funny? If someone was cackling at some guy who tripped and died...I probably wouldn't be laughing...Depends who died. JUST KIDDING. But even still, this has happened to me many times (no, I haven't died tripping). Usually in the hallway, a random memory comes to my head and I laugh to myself. People walk by giving me the classic look and I remember "Oops...I'm supposed to act a little more normal in public." Lol, it's a good relief to just laugh at an old, yet never dying joke...especially when you're BOMBARDED WITH SCHOOL WORK AND SUCH!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Deserving
This blog is for you Deathsanvil...In so many ways I have failed you today.
The last couple blogs haven't been nearly as comical as usual... I don't know why, but I guess it's...hmm...don't know. I'm having some more deeper insights at the moment.
SO! The deserving. Who are they? That's the thing. The deserving are those that help out everyone, get appreciated by most, but never get what they truly deserve. For example, one of my bestest friends' birthday is today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He says he's not much of a birthday person. Heh...I'm wondering how!? He's the nicest and sweetest friend ever, and yet, he can't be nice to himself. He deserves this day to be special and just for him. He doesn't realize that seeing him happy will make me happy. It's always about someone else, never about him. This bugs me so much, because I had nothing I could possibly offer to him that could even be slightly worthy enough to be a birthday present. I'm so ashamed, and of course, he says not to be. It's okay. NO IT'S NOT OKAY! He HAS to have a day for himself! The horrible thing is, he didn't tell anyone it was his birthday, and most don't know it. He always gives, and never gets anything back. He says it's okay, and he likes to help people but...I mean, doesn't he deserve something back? The worst part of it all is today, he's helping others. Today, he didn't get help from anyone. I feel terrible because I can't do anything for him. I can't think of anything I could possibly do. I granted him one birthday wish as his present because I had nothing else to give, and of course, he wishes for me to be happy on his birthday. He's too humble. I feel like bashing my head against a wall continuously and screaming. I couldn't even make a difference in his day when he had earned it. He's always out there working or assissting, and I couldn't be there for one freakin day. I told him he needs to be more selfish, as odd as it sounds. It hurts me when people don't treat themselves the way they deserve to be.
Happy Birthday again.
The last couple blogs haven't been nearly as comical as usual... I don't know why, but I guess it's...hmm...don't know. I'm having some more deeper insights at the moment.
SO! The deserving. Who are they? That's the thing. The deserving are those that help out everyone, get appreciated by most, but never get what they truly deserve. For example, one of my bestest friends' birthday is today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He says he's not much of a birthday person. Heh...I'm wondering how!? He's the nicest and sweetest friend ever, and yet, he can't be nice to himself. He deserves this day to be special and just for him. He doesn't realize that seeing him happy will make me happy. It's always about someone else, never about him. This bugs me so much, because I had nothing I could possibly offer to him that could even be slightly worthy enough to be a birthday present. I'm so ashamed, and of course, he says not to be. It's okay. NO IT'S NOT OKAY! He HAS to have a day for himself! The horrible thing is, he didn't tell anyone it was his birthday, and most don't know it. He always gives, and never gets anything back. He says it's okay, and he likes to help people but...I mean, doesn't he deserve something back? The worst part of it all is today, he's helping others. Today, he didn't get help from anyone. I feel terrible because I can't do anything for him. I can't think of anything I could possibly do. I granted him one birthday wish as his present because I had nothing else to give, and of course, he wishes for me to be happy on his birthday. He's too humble. I feel like bashing my head against a wall continuously and screaming. I couldn't even make a difference in his day when he had earned it. He's always out there working or assissting, and I couldn't be there for one freakin day. I told him he needs to be more selfish, as odd as it sounds. It hurts me when people don't treat themselves the way they deserve to be.
Happy Birthday again.
Oh, how Contagious a Hamster can be...
Today, I frolicked into my French class hippity hoppity hop like a joyful mutated hamster bunny! I sat down and noticed that my good friend next to me had her head down on her desk. Hmm...either she's not feeling well (physically/mentally) or the desk smells pretty good. So I ask her if something was wrong, and of course, YES! Unfortunately enough for my horrible curiousity, she didn't want to talk about it for ph34r of crying. So, I decided, heck, let's just make it a normal class! We talk, blah blah, and before you know it, both of us are laughing like CRAZY and my teacher is giving me the look everyone gives me. You know...the one like, "I wonder if she's okay..." Anyways, I realized, HEY, I just cheered my friend up! I mean, wow! Usually I never know when I cheer anything up, they just tell me after like a year has passed. Way to be on time >_>. Anyways, NO ONE had to tell me this time. It was awesome. Cheering someone up is just amazing. You pass on joy. I read this quote last night: "Don't keep the peace, pass it on." WELL, in this case, joy! Don't keep it to yourself, pass it on! Of course, I decided it was best to let my contagious weird happy disease be shared. Lol, if you do get infected, it's not my fault >_>. Side effects include:
Puking, nausea, uncontrollable laughter, alter egos (NO CINDY), random thoughts, strange gestures, flaky comments, and inflammation of brain. If you experience any of these to the extreme, contact a doctor immediately and SPREAD IT TO THEM! THEY NEED IT THE MOST!
...And, sorry, no cure ;D
Puking, nausea, uncontrollable laughter, alter egos (NO CINDY), random thoughts, strange gestures, flaky comments, and inflammation of brain. If you experience any of these to the extreme, contact a doctor immediately and SPREAD IT TO THEM! THEY NEED IT THE MOST!
...And, sorry, no cure ;D
Beauty or the Beast?
Beauty is the beast. Yesterday, my friend said she didn't like Johnny Depp because he was just too OLD! Well, hmm. Does this mean that you like Johnny Depp until he hits a certain age where his wrinkles look like a big sweater on a little girl, or do you like him forever? So of course, this got me thinking...Beauty is temporary. People ask, "Should I go out with the hot guy or the ugly nice guy?" Well if the hot guy has a great personality, then go for gold, but if he doesn't, go for the nice guy! I mean, you should choose to have a relationship with a personality, not with a face, because the personality doesn't die. The beauty fades, but your feelings and thoughts never do...unless you go through 5 years of straight History classes then your personality might become a little pessimistic.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Quiz I took online :P
You are Ellie
You are shy at heart, but you are always there for your friends. You are very caring and devoted to protecting your friends. You are also artistic and mysterious. Usually, your life doesn’t have that many soap opera moments, and guys are always attracted to you.
For those who know me, is this truly me!? IS IT!? I say yes because online quizzes never lie. They said I'd die an hour ago and they were right!
...jk in case you didn't figure that out yet :P
You are shy at heart, but you are always there for your friends. You are very caring and devoted to protecting your friends. You are also artistic and mysterious. Usually, your life doesn’t have that many soap opera moments, and guys are always attracted to you.
For those who know me, is this truly me!? IS IT!? I say yes because online quizzes never lie. They said I'd die an hour ago and they were right!
...jk in case you didn't figure that out yet :P
Hand Spasms!
Don't you just hate it when you're writing, drawing, or doing something as carefully as possible, and your hand jerks in some random direction and MESSES UP THE WHOLE THING!? Well, I do at least. Some of you might find it funny and call it your hobby. Well, good for you. For me, however, I can't stand it! I'm sitting here, writing for my homework, the writing is steady and neat, and then SPASM! My "s" has a fat lower area! Being so OCD, I just go crazy! If I erase it, there is a smudge, and if I leave it, it looks funny. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! What shall I do!? What a stupid problem to ask help for, huh?
That's me alright; stupid question-asker!
That's me alright; stupid question-asker!
History...Oh, History Edward Edward, O
Who else would like to participate in sati with me? In case you don't know what that is, you can look it up if you feel like reading some distrubing stuff! I say, whoever dies from history class first starts the funeral pyre, then we all jump in together! SATI PARTI! lol. Parti. That actually means to leave in some weird form. I mean...SERIOUSLY!? How can Omegan know EVERYTHING bout ANYTHING in History if I just mention it, and I can never remember that one guy's name: Chandragupta? See? I DONNO IT!? Or was that right? Sniffles...History is killing me. It is taking up so much space in my human hardrive I'm going to implode like a TV! AAAH! What if I took a laser gun and tried to shoot the brain cells with History in them?
Right, that IS weird.
If anyone has some super secret special information about how to survive History class, without including self-harm, please share! PLEASE! I BEG OF ALL OF YOU! History class is just frying my brain *twitch* -frying my brain *twitch* -frying my brain.
Right, that IS weird.
If anyone has some super secret special information about how to survive History class, without including self-harm, please share! PLEASE! I BEG OF ALL OF YOU! History class is just frying my brain *twitch* -frying my brain *twitch* -frying my brain.
Fat Moments?
I'm sure each and every one of us can rate our body on its weight from 1 to 10. Not to be mean, but I seriously have my "fat" days and my "skinny" days. Sometimes I feel like a twig and smile, other times I feel like eating ho-hos and dying from a heart attack...metaphorically speaking. I'm dead serious though! The negative thing so far is, that, well, I've had a "fat" day for about 3 weeks straight now. My weight hasn't changed, but I feel so FAT! I look in the mirror and I say FAT! FATTY! And then I sigh and slap myself ("GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!") I mean, I get so many opinions about my figure that I don't know what to believe! I hear, "you're so skinny" and "you've gained weight!" or "you don't look like your weight." That last one especially worries me. I might say, "Oh, I think I'll go on a diet," then never get around to it, or someone will say, "YOU'RE LIKE A STICK! You're too skinny already!" YEAH RIGHT! I have people at home saying "you better stop eating that or you'll get fat." Right now, I feel like hiding in my closet because dark corners aren't good enough anymore.
This state of depression was brought to you by:
History Class "Enjoy it or die trying."
This state of depression was brought to you by:
History Class "Enjoy it or die trying."
Who Voted Night Elf!?
DIIIE NIGHT ELVES! Whoever voted that, I hope someday a NE comes and steps on you! That's what happens to me everytime I play WoW! SILLY NE's ALWAYS TRIPPING OVER MY PETITE FIGURE!
Stereotypical Racism!
Let's see...oh yeah! It was yesterday that my good friend codename: C came up to her locker in the morning across from mine. Well, let's just say it went like this:
C: "Ah, man, I forgot my locker combination."
Me: "Wow. I remembered mine the first day."
C: "Well, that's 'cause you're Asian."
Me: "What's THAT supposed to mean!?"
C: "All Asians have good memory."
Me: "That's so not true. You're so racist (playfully)"
Don't get me wrong, we're friends. She always jokes around about my Asianosity.
Hmm. Let's just read that again. All Asians having good memory? HAH! This kind of got me thinking later that day...isn't racism based on stereotypes? I mean, she assumed all Asians play instruments, get great grades (<--Hah, GGG!), are computer freaks, and like anime/manga. I mean, it was based on a STEREOTYPE! Not ALL Asians are as smart as the world thinks they are. I know a couple that...fall...well...below average. It's always assumed based on the majority of your race! The one thing that I found hilarious was, that, indeed she's right! I mean, I am a smart kid (not so egotistical as I just sounded though), I play an instrument, I spend most of my anal life on the computer (like now) blogging and chatting...and RPG-ing, I LOVE Hamtaro and Midori no Hibi, all that jazz! Crazy. I mean, I may object to it, and some others may be offended, but in the end, to me, it was all truth. :)
This is a blog of MY personal opinion! I don't mean to offend ANYONE nor do I speak for all Asians. Seriously people, don't take this stuff personally... -_-
C: "Ah, man, I forgot my locker combination."
Me: "Wow. I remembered mine the first day."
C: "Well, that's 'cause you're Asian."
Me: "What's THAT supposed to mean!?"
C: "All Asians have good memory."
Me: "That's so not true. You're so racist (playfully)"
Don't get me wrong, we're friends. She always jokes around about my Asianosity.
Hmm. Let's just read that again. All Asians having good memory? HAH! This kind of got me thinking later that day...isn't racism based on stereotypes? I mean, she assumed all Asians play instruments, get great grades (<--Hah, GGG!), are computer freaks, and like anime/manga. I mean, it was based on a STEREOTYPE! Not ALL Asians are as smart as the world thinks they are. I know a couple that...fall...well...below average. It's always assumed based on the majority of your race! The one thing that I found hilarious was, that, indeed she's right! I mean, I am a smart kid (not so egotistical as I just sounded though), I play an instrument, I spend most of my anal life on the computer (like now) blogging and chatting...and RPG-ing, I LOVE Hamtaro and Midori no Hibi, all that jazz! Crazy. I mean, I may object to it, and some others may be offended, but in the end, to me, it was all truth. :)
This is a blog of MY personal opinion! I don't mean to offend ANYONE nor do I speak for all Asians. Seriously people, don't take this stuff personally... -_-
Monday, September 10, 2007
Eek spider!
Beware spider-lovers, for this blog bears no mercy upon them.
Well, being the good student that I am, I was sitting on my desk not too long ago, reading my textbook studying for tomorrow's RETARDED QUIZ! Anyways, out of NOWHERE, this black spider (VERY FAST black spider I might add) comes crawling all over my desk left and right! Good thing I had a tissue in hand. Unfortunately, it was the Super Spider of spiders and got away. I was thinking, "OMG OMG OMG!" because I well...don't like spiders. So after 30 seconds of timing, unsteady breathing, and rolling my keyboard in and out in and out....HE JUMPED ON MY CARPET! Time to put my reflexes into the test! I swiped down with the tissue and before I knew it, there were spider guts on my carpet. Now, my mind is playing tricks on me and I keep if a spider was on me. I'm so kreeped out now.
Well, being the good student that I am, I was sitting on my desk not too long ago, reading my textbook studying for tomorrow's RETARDED QUIZ! Anyways, out of NOWHERE, this black spider (VERY FAST black spider I might add) comes crawling all over my desk left and right! Good thing I had a tissue in hand. Unfortunately, it was the Super Spider of spiders and got away. I was thinking, "OMG OMG OMG!" because I well...don't like spiders. So after 30 seconds of timing, unsteady breathing, and rolling my keyboard in and out in and out....HE JUMPED ON MY CARPET! Time to put my reflexes into the test! I swiped down with the tissue and before I knew it, there were spider guts on my carpet. Now, my mind is playing tricks on me and I keep if a spider was on me. I'm so kreeped out now.
Engineering a Hamster Wheel!
Using the genius Autodesk Inventor Professional, I was able to create the kreepiest (like krispy kreem kreepy) hamster wheel for the human hamster! It's a wheel, but there's a chair! Pretty kool! The chair is pink, and the wheel iteslf is a sweet see-through yellow. Yummy. In case you're wondering, I have NO IDEA what is with the k's today. NO IDEA. It was not the bread I ate for lunch though...hopefully. Good Gosh... O_O I ate cafeteria food. The fries...the greasy poison that I have consumed is affecting my spelling Q.Q............
Hello, I am Wingedhamham. But you can call me Wingedhamham, Hamham, Hamms, Hamster, or Hammy. And if I love you enough, you may call me Wingedhamham. I'm in engineering class EVERYTIME I update this thing so yeah! Just something I do when bored in this class :P
enjoy your day.
enjoy your day.
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.