Okay, so this is an idea that pooped into my head today. I needed to get it on paper...sooo...I did. I kind of made it up as I went, but still followed the same skeleton of a plan I had. There shall be more! Do not fear! One day I'll get someone who can actually write well to take this idea and make something of it, but as for now, I need to make sure I don't forget it ;) SO here! :D
Another leaf fell slowly towards us and landed on my blue vest. This one particularly was fiery red, the blazing color of late October. A cool breeze interrupted the silence, with a shower of embers fluttering from the trees like ashes from the sky. We laid there, coated with a blanket of leaves, in peace. Her hair smelling of fresh oranges spread itself on my chest. We formed an “L” on the bed of grass under the shade. For the first time, I felt complete, just being with her. I was relaxed, but had all the control I could ask for. Another breeze swept by, but this time, it carried a scent. Valikens.
Their overbearing stench of stale flesh smothered her sweet orangey hair. My pulse began to race and I clenched her hand in mine.
“Rollan? Something wrong?” She turned her head and stared into me with her evergreen eyes.
“Valikens, east. They’re heading this way.” I began to sit up. “You have to leave. Call Fangdor. Now.”
“What about you? I’m not leaving you here. You can’t fight them by yourself, even when you’re…” she gulped. “They never travel alone, you know that. I can help. We can defeat them, together.” She locked her hand in mine and stood.
“Ellinia, I’ve taught you a lot, and I’m aware of that, but I am also aware of your limited strength. I don’t want to see you sleep for so long. Not again.” I reached for my summoning horn, but her grasp held me.
“It won’t happen this time; I know my limits. Please, Rollan, you’re the only one I have.”
A third breeze brought a stronger scent of Valikens. They were less than a mile away, and moving quickly. I jerked my arm from her and put the horn to my lips. A sound unheard to earth-walkers sang above the thick forest and to the ears of a dragon. With a responding cry and a gust of wind, Fangdor dove from the clouds.
My lips met hers in what seemed our last kiss. I felt her tear on my thumb as I cupped her cheeks. “Don’t forget; you’re all I have, too.” Feet never touching the ground, Fangdor scooped Ellinia from my sight and into the heavens. A speck of crystal blue scales swirled through the sky, and then disappeared. She would be safe there.
There was little time to waste. I immediately sat on the forest floor and concentrated on my emotional pain. The vibrations of the Valikens’ trampling footsteps beat their way into my body. I cleared my mind and thought about my home; my burning house with my father inside…lifeless; the flames swallowing the thatched roof with Valikens dancing around it for pure amusement. I snapped from focus when a Valiken yelled his battle cry. My heart jumped; they had found me.
Trying to re-enter my focus, I tried to remember more painful memories. My uncle, my slain horse, my lost mother…Ellinia. I felt a sharp halt in my chest. That was it. I resurrected dead memories of seeing her in the white bed, her body a rock on the soft silk sheets. Her skin was paler than moonlight and her lips had lost their rosy color. Her hands were cold, and her capturing eyes never opened; not for months.
My heart beat once more, then reached complete silence. I felt the addicting surge of energy flow through my soul. It was time.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Story Number ONE! :D
This one I wrote a bit ago...but never posted on here. Hehe.
The italics symbolize memories, btw, since some people didn't get that.
The ring on her key jingled as she struggled to lock the door. Her hands shook both with frustration and anxiety while she tugged and pulled. As she turned to walk off her porch, the season’s cold air nibbled at her cheeks. Nuzzling her head tightly into her fleece hat, she stepped out into a dark morning.
The street lamps were glowing an eerie orange. Their radiance stalked her with a looming umbrage. Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she quickened her pace.
“Are you cold? Here, hold my hand.” He brushed is hand against her shoulder, as he smiled behind his scarf.
She stopped. No one was on her right this time; nothing but shadows. Burying her hands deeper into her pockets, she crossed the street.
“Puddle at twelve o’clock!” Their hands tightened eagerly. “Ready? Jump!” Stomping on the sidewalk, he laughed. This time, she smiled as well.
The puddle was dried up. Leaves rustled across the sidewalk, skipping over the sunken area. Staring for a moment, she swerved around it, not daring to look back. She had to move on.
Soon enough, headlights began to flood the faded roads. She squinted past traffic, pursing her lips. Dry breezes clawed at her skin, stinging her face. On her left, the sun dragged its way above the horizon. Opposite was half of the moon, blending with the sky. She sighed at it. Barely there.
“Wow, look at that moon. You know, the reason the moon is so bright is because of the sun’s light reflecting off its surface.” He shrugged. “Heh…I guess you’re my sun, eh?” He bit his lip, and watched his feet. They walked slowly, now.
Without knowing it, she had drifted onto her usual route. The rows of trees stood, as frozen flames, sparks sinking to the ground. Counting her steps, she paused. She couldn’t help a glance. Just a glimpse of the wilting house, surrounded by the ashes of the once marvelous oak. Black stains seared the walls and doors, with the roof of the patio entirely collapsed. Yellow tape, everywhere.
“Well, this is me. I’ve got a lot of work to do tonight, so I’ll be up late. We’ll walk together again, tomorrow, alright? I’ll be there to pick you up at the same time. I love you.” He ran up the driveway. “Tomorrow, again! I promise!”
She shut her eyes, feeling the burn of tears fighting their way out. She fell to her knees, and wept. Tomorrow would never come.
The italics symbolize memories, btw, since some people didn't get that.
The ring on her key jingled as she struggled to lock the door. Her hands shook both with frustration and anxiety while she tugged and pulled. As she turned to walk off her porch, the season’s cold air nibbled at her cheeks. Nuzzling her head tightly into her fleece hat, she stepped out into a dark morning.
The street lamps were glowing an eerie orange. Their radiance stalked her with a looming umbrage. Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she quickened her pace.
“Are you cold? Here, hold my hand.” He brushed is hand against her shoulder, as he smiled behind his scarf.
She stopped. No one was on her right this time; nothing but shadows. Burying her hands deeper into her pockets, she crossed the street.
“Puddle at twelve o’clock!” Their hands tightened eagerly. “Ready? Jump!” Stomping on the sidewalk, he laughed. This time, she smiled as well.
The puddle was dried up. Leaves rustled across the sidewalk, skipping over the sunken area. Staring for a moment, she swerved around it, not daring to look back. She had to move on.
Soon enough, headlights began to flood the faded roads. She squinted past traffic, pursing her lips. Dry breezes clawed at her skin, stinging her face. On her left, the sun dragged its way above the horizon. Opposite was half of the moon, blending with the sky. She sighed at it. Barely there.
“Wow, look at that moon. You know, the reason the moon is so bright is because of the sun’s light reflecting off its surface.” He shrugged. “Heh…I guess you’re my sun, eh?” He bit his lip, and watched his feet. They walked slowly, now.
Without knowing it, she had drifted onto her usual route. The rows of trees stood, as frozen flames, sparks sinking to the ground. Counting her steps, she paused. She couldn’t help a glance. Just a glimpse of the wilting house, surrounded by the ashes of the once marvelous oak. Black stains seared the walls and doors, with the roof of the patio entirely collapsed. Yellow tape, everywhere.
“Well, this is me. I’ve got a lot of work to do tonight, so I’ll be up late. We’ll walk together again, tomorrow, alright? I’ll be there to pick you up at the same time. I love you.” He ran up the driveway. “Tomorrow, again! I promise!”
She shut her eyes, feeling the burn of tears fighting their way out. She fell to her knees, and wept. Tomorrow would never come.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Arrgh, mateys! This hamu just discovered pure gold! Yep!
Gold in the form of an MMORPG! RAWR! Poop.
Okay, so I was on the eternetz over a week ago, and I came across an ad. It was for yet another MMORPG. Pluh. Yeah. ANOTHER. Ugh.
So I was about to close the damn thing when it caught my attention.
Hey now...these graphics aren't bad at all...
On the ad in big letters, was FLORENSIA.
Hmmm...never heard of this before...
Underneath it showed play online for FREE!
Well HADDEEDOO! Free!? So I clicked on the ad and lo and behold it led me to http://en.florensia-online.com/
Alright, let me just start off saying this game is FREAKIN' AWESOME AS BALLS!
As a WoW and Maplestory fan, I have never been happier with an MMORPG. Its gameplay is HIGHLY similar to WoW, with the light-hearted yet still serious mood of Maplestory. It is a next-gen Japanese game, 3D, small community, fairly new (launched 08' I think) and is the future of free online gaming. Seriously.
It has VERY good graphics for a free game, a cash shop (lol of course), and dungeons like any other decent game. It has land and sea gameplay, in which you level a human character (4 different classes: Saint[Priests{light/dark}], Mercenary[Warrior], Explorer[Gunman], Noble[Magician]) and level your boat, which can be upgraded. I'd say it's pretty unique with the sea part of the game. You can spec your characters just like WoW, get different weapons, fish, upgrade armor, and more! They have events like other MMORPGs.
If you're poor and want a GREAT game to play, I highly recommend Florensia. It takes a day or two to fully get used to everything and be entirely comfortable with it. After that, obsession settles in...and then the wonderful addiction.
Us gamers are addicted to addiction...it's just so addicting...
What a vicious circle us gamers live...
The only thing I don't like about this game is that there are a fair number of quiet weirdly rude people. They're not really rude...just quiet to the point where it's awkward and feels rude... >.>
SO YES! If you're willing to wait a couple hours for the download and have a good enough comp for it, DEFINATELY download this baby. It's well worth it. ;)
Gold in the form of an MMORPG! RAWR! Poop.
Okay, so I was on the eternetz over a week ago, and I came across an ad. It was for yet another MMORPG. Pluh. Yeah. ANOTHER. Ugh.
So I was about to close the damn thing when it caught my attention.
Hey now...these graphics aren't bad at all...
On the ad in big letters, was FLORENSIA.
Hmmm...never heard of this before...
Underneath it showed play online for FREE!
Well HADDEEDOO! Free!? So I clicked on the ad and lo and behold it led me to http://en.florensia-online.com/
Alright, let me just start off saying this game is FREAKIN' AWESOME AS BALLS!
As a WoW and Maplestory fan, I have never been happier with an MMORPG. Its gameplay is HIGHLY similar to WoW, with the light-hearted yet still serious mood of Maplestory. It is a next-gen Japanese game, 3D, small community, fairly new (launched 08' I think) and is the future of free online gaming. Seriously.
It has VERY good graphics for a free game, a cash shop (lol of course), and dungeons like any other decent game. It has land and sea gameplay, in which you level a human character (4 different classes: Saint[Priests{light/dark}], Mercenary[Warrior], Explorer[Gunman], Noble[Magician]) and level your boat, which can be upgraded. I'd say it's pretty unique with the sea part of the game. You can spec your characters just like WoW, get different weapons, fish, upgrade armor, and more! They have events like other MMORPGs.
If you're poor and want a GREAT game to play, I highly recommend Florensia. It takes a day or two to fully get used to everything and be entirely comfortable with it. After that, obsession settles in...and then the wonderful addiction.
Us gamers are addicted to addiction...it's just so addicting...
What a vicious circle us gamers live...
The only thing I don't like about this game is that there are a fair number of quiet weirdly rude people. They're not really rude...just quiet to the point where it's awkward and feels rude... >.>
SO YES! If you're willing to wait a couple hours for the download and have a good enough comp for it, DEFINATELY download this baby. It's well worth it. ;)
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.