Yes yes yes! Unfortunately, I could not get a picture of the Panda Hamster but...I shall find a way. If not, I'll just have to put the hat back on and you'll have to just deal! But yes, I have dressed up as a Panda and apparently I'm cute as a button O.O Teehee ^-^. So yeah, my costume was awesomeful and my friend couldn't stop squealing. I killed her when I ate a cookie lol. BWUAHAHAHAHAHA! X3 So the halloween party was pretty cool that I went to. It was a little slow but it kinda caught on lol. I was known as the "Panda Girl" apparently. OO OO! We played Apples to Apples and the freakiest thing happened! The adjectives I just so happened to get were "Crazy" (lol) and "Endangered." Being hamham I'm naturally crazy, and PANDAS ARE ENDANGERED! LIKE, OMG! Hahaha. So yes, I got fake blood stains on my panda shirt because I hugged the scary guy with blood pouring down his undead body. I didn't see it :( OOOh well as long as it comes off. If not, I'm going to find him and rip off his arm until he buys me a new Wal*Mart white t-shirt >:P So yeah we ran off sweets and phew.
In other news, I can finally let the Headless Horseman RIP! Last run...last on edge...about to disband...I summon him...he dies after a gruel fight...and then...a MIRACLE! After who knows how many runs, the HH dropped the SINISTER SQUASHLING VANITY PET! ZOMGGGGG! IT IS MINE ALAS! Oh, and I've been on runescape too! They have a Halloween event as well you know, and I NEVER miss holiday events! Lol.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Who the heck voted veggie burger?
Right, so Brewfest is finally over and the HALLOWEEN EVENT HAS STARTED! I'M SO UBERS EXCITED! This is my second WoW halloween and they've added quite a bit. Aside from the applebobbing, trick-or-treating, and candy questing for orphans, there is the whole idea of the HEADLESS HORSEMAN! Heck yes, you read that right. Read it again if you want! He's this dead paladin dude with a hollow plate helm with wicked green glowy stuff steaming out. He has a million dollar laugh. He drops a sweet pumpkin vanity pet (and if you know me, you know I have 20+ vanity pets that I collect), Hallowed Helm (which is a pumpkin hat bwuahahahaha), his actual Horseman helm which has like a negative drop rate, and much more! I got his signet ring with SWEET stats and it's epic! WOO! 3 EPICS FOR THE HAMHAM! I've also socketed my shoulders ^_^. 5 more greens to dispose of!
I've also been playing a few battlegrounds. I stink.
Blizzard has also decided this year that I would be their joke of the Halloween event. I mean seriously, I bet they're watching me play and laughing at me...I've been trick-or-treating over and over and all I ever get is a freaky random wand and CANDY CORN! WTH BLIZZARD GIMME A BREAK!
In other news, the Headless Horseman has attracted quite a bit of people at the Scarlet Monastery, an instance crowded by levels 30-40's. It's been pvp H-E-double hockey stick. To kill the HH you need a group, usually a tank (one to hold aggro aka keep HH from attacking anyone else but tank), a healer, and two DPS (Damage per second aka hit the HH with all you got). As you can see, it takes a team effort. Being a warlock, I fall under DPS. The "suggested" amount of players Blizzard "suggests" is 5. I've 4-man-ed it maaaany times. However, SOME people, I won't say who *cough* Omegan *cough* will not run SM unless there is a full group of 5. ARGH! Ah, well.
I still have not seen the pet or helm drop...yet. I SHALL KEEP RUNNING SM UNTIL IT DOES! DIE HH DIE!
Right, so Brewfest is finally over and the HALLOWEEN EVENT HAS STARTED! I'M SO UBERS EXCITED! This is my second WoW halloween and they've added quite a bit. Aside from the applebobbing, trick-or-treating, and candy questing for orphans, there is the whole idea of the HEADLESS HORSEMAN! Heck yes, you read that right. Read it again if you want! He's this dead paladin dude with a hollow plate helm with wicked green glowy stuff steaming out. He has a million dollar laugh. He drops a sweet pumpkin vanity pet (and if you know me, you know I have 20+ vanity pets that I collect), Hallowed Helm (which is a pumpkin hat bwuahahahaha), his actual Horseman helm which has like a negative drop rate, and much more! I got his signet ring with SWEET stats and it's epic! WOO! 3 EPICS FOR THE HAMHAM! I've also socketed my shoulders ^_^. 5 more greens to dispose of!
I've also been playing a few battlegrounds. I stink.
Blizzard has also decided this year that I would be their joke of the Halloween event. I mean seriously, I bet they're watching me play and laughing at me...I've been trick-or-treating over and over and all I ever get is a freaky random wand and CANDY CORN! WTH BLIZZARD GIMME A BREAK!
In other news, the Headless Horseman has attracted quite a bit of people at the Scarlet Monastery, an instance crowded by levels 30-40's. It's been pvp H-E-double hockey stick. To kill the HH you need a group, usually a tank (one to hold aggro aka keep HH from attacking anyone else but tank), a healer, and two DPS (Damage per second aka hit the HH with all you got). As you can see, it takes a team effort. Being a warlock, I fall under DPS. The "suggested" amount of players Blizzard "suggests" is 5. I've 4-man-ed it maaaany times. However, SOME people, I won't say who *cough* Omegan *cough* will not run SM unless there is a full group of 5. ARGH! Ah, well.
I still have not seen the pet or helm drop...yet. I SHALL KEEP RUNNING SM UNTIL IT DOES! DIE HH DIE!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
WoW Update!
And yes, it is good, no...great news! On Tuesday, I dinged to level 70! HUZZAH! This is the first time I've maxed out on WoW! Pre BC (Before Burning Crusade Expansion Pack) I hadn't reached 60 in time and by the time I did, the max level had been raised to 70. BUMMER! Anyways, I put on my sweetness gear and I pwn! Well, I'm ok. I have 6 greens that I must dispose of! I'm going to pvp like mad and get some Veteran's belt, cuffs, and the a Heavy Cape! That's three more epics (Extremely rareness items...the bestest. There is another level but that's
The other good news is that today, I managed to recruit 7 new guildies! Some had alts, so with those added in, I gathered over 10 members into the Great Gnome Gatherin! FYI, our guild has been struggling. We had a split, one being this one, the new guild the G G G. The G G G became a raiding guild, and this ggg is mainly for the lower levels. I stayed behind to help out in ggg because the little peoples need me! Well, we lost looooots of people to G G G who eventually left anyways. So we permanently lost a lot of peeps. Fortunately enough, I went to Westfall today to run VC and recruited tons of gnomes and such! It was beast. Tomorrow and Friday will be my Wingedhamham Instance Marathon! I'm going to run VC, Gnomer, and SM until they will all leave in hopes of never seeing me again! It will be long and tiresome but anything for the Great Gnome Gatherin!
The other good news is that today, I managed to recruit 7 new guildies! Some had alts, so with those added in, I gathered over 10 members into the Great Gnome Gatherin! FYI, our guild has been struggling. We had a split, one being this one, the new guild the G G G. The G G G became a raiding guild, and this ggg is mainly for the lower levels. I stayed behind to help out in ggg because the little peoples need me! Well, we lost looooots of people to G G G who eventually left anyways. So we permanently lost a lot of peeps. Fortunately enough, I went to Westfall today to run VC and recruited tons of gnomes and such! It was beast. Tomorrow and Friday will be my Wingedhamham Instance Marathon! I'm going to run VC, Gnomer, and SM until they will all leave in hopes of never seeing me again! It will be long and tiresome but anything for the Great Gnome Gatherin!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sun Poem Time!
Yeah...I had a screenshot of a sunset/sunrise in Nagrand. For you non-WoW freaks, it's a place with THE MOST beautiful sky ever. It's I can stare at it forever. Almost half of my total play time on WoW is sight-seeing and/or running in circles. Ask anyone haha.
Anyways, I wrote a poem about sunrise/sunset. I'll provide a line for line breakdown for the peeps who just don't get poetry. This is pretty straight forward so yeah! Oh, btw, there's mountains in Nagrand.
Falling beneath Earth's sentinels,
Darkness crushes Heaven's glory,
But all is bound to Fate,
And light rises,
Life renewed.
Yeah, it's cheesy because I wrote it in a short period of time but you know what? DEAL WITH IT!
So here's the breakdown:
The sun sets behind the mountains
Nighttime comes and it covers the sun
But the sun's cycle is inevitable, or part of nature
The sun will rise
And it will start over again
There's a lesson in this! Don't kill yourself when something terrible happens. Like the Chinese say with Yin and Yang! For every dark moment, there is a light moment. So after that cruddy day passes, you'll have a fortunate one!! I have a cruddy week of BLOATED AMOUNTS OF WORK but I get a four-day weekend afterwards! Lol, I guess it's all true :)
Anyways, I wrote a poem about sunrise/sunset. I'll provide a line for line breakdown for the peeps who just don't get poetry. This is pretty straight forward so yeah! Oh, btw, there's mountains in Nagrand.
Falling beneath Earth's sentinels,
Darkness crushes Heaven's glory,
But all is bound to Fate,
And light rises,
Life renewed.
Yeah, it's cheesy because I wrote it in a short period of time but you know what? DEAL WITH IT!
So here's the breakdown:
The sun sets behind the mountains
Nighttime comes and it covers the sun
But the sun's cycle is inevitable, or part of nature
The sun will rise
And it will start over again
There's a lesson in this! Don't kill yourself when something terrible happens. Like the Chinese say with Yin and Yang! For every dark moment, there is a light moment. So after that cruddy day passes, you'll have a fortunate one!! I have a cruddy week of BLOATED AMOUNTS OF WORK but I get a four-day weekend afterwards! Lol, I guess it's all true :)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Shout out to my WoW BFF!!!
I just HAD to absolutely write a blog about Deathsanvil! He is my WoW BFF for many reasons, and he really did shine this weekend.
Let's just say I had to make a video on Acadians for school, so I decided to use WoW because I can't act worth rotten beans. We were short on actors so I had to turn to the online community of World of Warcraft to assist us in our film! Well, considering no one could dedicate enough hours to help us, my group and I were screwed overboard. Luckily enough, Deathsanvil here stuck with us for 5 hours on Friday, helping out without a single complaint. It's surprising since I was having to be nasty to everyone to get the work done. He was and is a great WoW actor! He helped even more on Saturday!
I'm so glad you didn't find it too dreary helping out Deaths! X3. Thank you so much. Without you, I'd be cracking my head open against a wall. You're always a life saver. You're in the credits with an uber special thanks! I promise I'll make it up to you. Thanks for sticking with us and staying all the way! The vid looks great and I'm sure we'll make a good mark with the material we've got :D.
BTW, your drawings rokk sokks. PLEASE SEND ME A COPY...PLEEEEEASE! I'll add it to my shrine of you. Lol jk. I'm wierd, not creepy and stalky-like. But yeah, I still want a copy :)
HIP HIP, HOORAY! Today is now, "Deathsanvil Weekend"
Let's just say I had to make a video on Acadians for school, so I decided to use WoW because I can't act worth rotten beans. We were short on actors so I had to turn to the online community of World of Warcraft to assist us in our film! Well, considering no one could dedicate enough hours to help us, my group and I were screwed overboard. Luckily enough, Deathsanvil here stuck with us for 5 hours on Friday, helping out without a single complaint. It's surprising since I was having to be nasty to everyone to get the work done. He was and is a great WoW actor! He helped even more on Saturday!
I'm so glad you didn't find it too dreary helping out Deaths! X3. Thank you so much. Without you, I'd be cracking my head open against a wall. You're always a life saver. You're in the credits with an uber special thanks! I promise I'll make it up to you. Thanks for sticking with us and staying all the way! The vid looks great and I'm sure we'll make a good mark with the material we've got :D.
BTW, your drawings rokk sokks. PLEASE SEND ME A COPY...PLEEEEEASE! I'll add it to my shrine of you. Lol jk. I'm wierd, not creepy and stalky-like. But yeah, I still want a copy :)
HIP HIP, HOORAY! Today is now, "Deathsanvil Weekend"
Friday, October 5, 2007
Fat Rings and Keyboards
"Who wants a fat ring!?" Let's just say my friend won a 12 donuts from a raffle! THEY'RE KRISPY KREME DONUTS!!! :D:D:D. So yes, she let me have one along with other peeps at our table. She had a big lunch so she let me have the REST! I GOT 4 FREE DONUTS!! ZOMG! I had chocolate milk with my donut but I haven't touched the extras and it seems that I'm missing two...*cough* substitute wanted one *cough*. So yes, I'm excited. WHY!? Because today is a great day. :) I could sing in the rain.
Ok, now for keyboards. Last night, Deathsanvil, Omegan and I were "brewfesting" on WoW! Yes, blizzard has finally made their own version of Oktoberfest. It's pretty beast. Infinite beer, pink elephants, Wolperstingers, Drunk riding, and AWESOME CLOTHES! Oh, don't forget the pretzels! So yeah, I was bored and remembered those fun forums of typing your name with your forehead! I tried that, then my elbow, then my nose! Heehee, I did pretttttty good! Alas, I used my tongue. Yes, you read it, tongue. Let's just say I hadn't cleaned the keyboard before I used my tasting muscle and when I finished...I kind of had this after-taste. It was so strange! So today, my friend, the burp machine, had the HUGEST burp evur! I said "Thank you" and she said "YOU'RE WELCOME!!!" It was terrifying! It was soo loud and my mouth was open from just shock and laughter. I realized that afterwards, I had that taste of keyboard in my mouth again XD. Who would have thought school food tastes like keyboards!?
Oh, this also reminded me of golfers, sandwiches, christmas trees, and racism! Go to youtube and watch "Taste test" and my gosh the world will open to you! IT'S SOOO FUNNY! HAHA, my sandwich tastes like racism!
Ok, now for keyboards. Last night, Deathsanvil, Omegan and I were "brewfesting" on WoW! Yes, blizzard has finally made their own version of Oktoberfest. It's pretty beast. Infinite beer, pink elephants, Wolperstingers, Drunk riding, and AWESOME CLOTHES! Oh, don't forget the pretzels! So yeah, I was bored and remembered those fun forums of typing your name with your forehead! I tried that, then my elbow, then my nose! Heehee, I did pretttttty good! Alas, I used my tongue. Yes, you read it, tongue. Let's just say I hadn't cleaned the keyboard before I used my tasting muscle and when I finished...I kind of had this after-taste. It was so strange! So today, my friend, the burp machine, had the HUGEST burp evur! I said "Thank you" and she said "YOU'RE WELCOME!!!" It was terrifying! It was soo loud and my mouth was open from just shock and laughter. I realized that afterwards, I had that taste of keyboard in my mouth again XD. Who would have thought school food tastes like keyboards!?
Oh, this also reminded me of golfers, sandwiches, christmas trees, and racism! Go to youtube and watch "Taste test" and my gosh the world will open to you! IT'S SOOO FUNNY! HAHA, my sandwich tastes like racism!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Whot Whot Whot!?
For those who haven't seen the famous Disney's Sword in the Stone, Merlin's owl is named Archimedes, and he says whot instead of what! It's pretty funny because he says it three times consecutively. LOLz. So yes, me and my bud-bud were talking and the "whot whot whot" made it into our conversation. As we climbed the stairs of our school, we couldn't stop laughing. I said, "Watch me fall and die and my last words will be 'whot whot whot!?'" This got me thinking, so I wrote a little skit in History class (after I finished my work that is hehehe). It's inspired by Abbott Costello's "Who's on First?"
-Excuse me miss, but could you tell me her last words?
+Whot whot whot!?
-What were her last words?
-She said, "Yes?"
-Then what were her last words?
+I just said that!
-What did she say?
+Of course!
-Wait, what did you say?
+No, she did.
-She said what?
+Ive said that already.
-What are you talking about?
+Her last words?
-Well then, what were they?
-I thought she said, "Yes?"
-So she said, "No?"
-I said, "She said no?"
+I heard you the first time.
-Then why'd you say "what?"
+I didn't, SHE did.
-I could have sworn you said, "what?"
+I did.
-You said you didn't!
+Well now we both did.
-Wait, what?
It's fun to read it with someone else, or with an alter ego. BWUAHAHAH chakka chakka crumb cake! ZOMG ALLITERATION!
-Excuse me miss, but could you tell me her last words?
+Whot whot whot!?
-What were her last words?
-She said, "Yes?"
-Then what were her last words?
+I just said that!
-What did she say?
+Of course!
-Wait, what did you say?
+No, she did.
-She said what?
+Ive said that already.
-What are you talking about?
+Her last words?
-Well then, what were they?
-I thought she said, "Yes?"
-So she said, "No?"
-I said, "She said no?"
+I heard you the first time.
-Then why'd you say "what?"
+I didn't, SHE did.
-I could have sworn you said, "what?"
+I did.
-You said you didn't!
+Well now we both did.
-Wait, what?
It's fun to read it with someone else, or with an alter ego. BWUAHAHAH chakka chakka crumb cake! ZOMG ALLITERATION!
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I am Hamham.

Winged, Hamham.